Monday, February 25, 2008

Slovaks go home.

London has been a multi-ethnic society for as long as I've been here and longer still. Everybody has been welcome and myriad cultures have made their contributions to London's cultural life.

We thought we'd got Racism licked to the point that only the extreme right or otherwise retarded would still make racist judgements or remarks even in the privacy of their own homes.

Now, I've seen and heard Eastern Europeans approach black people on the bus and say things like, "Hey Nigger, this man here is from Romania. He doesn't speak a word of English but he has a job." Then on being told that the man he's speaking to HAS a job, the Slovak (or whatever he is) says, "Smoke a spliff".

My stepdaughter was told by one Albanian using the little English he'd bothered to learn, "You're a nigger. You're dirty".

Pim Fortuyn once attacked Muslims on the grounds of their intolerance. I begin to think we should have the same attitude to the Eastern Europeans trying to reimport Racism to this England. Neither racism nor racists have any part in our society and it's high tide we started deporting them... even the English ones.


Blogger Span Ows said...

Bloody hell. That is disgraceful but unsurprising....and I think it will only get worse. The East Europeans come from a very closed society where being black/coloured really is a rare sight...the fights between rival gangs will escalate befor ethey get worse and they will be racist; I'm sure it won't be long before we get mixed race English gangs fighting Eastern european gangs...(there's already 'ethnic English' gangs fighting.

You're right re London too...was always a 'melting pot' with the 'normal' problems but nothing exaggerated.

I hope your stepdaughter is OK.

Some heads will be bashed.

Tuesday, 26 February, 2008  
Blogger said...

She's fine. The police even said she was in the right when she smacked the Albanian one.

Tuesday, 26 February, 2008  

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